Dr. Ranjeet Kumar
Dear Students,
In today’s world of technological revolution, it has become mandatory for every technical institute to keep abreast with new upcoming technologies. For this, highly skilled & professional engineers are required to be produced. We at Birsa Institute of Technology (Trust)-BITT shall make every effort to meet demands of growing technology by producing quality skilled engineers at BITT Polytechnic who can be worthy of service to the industry, the society and the nation. To accomplish this, the institute focuses on areas like Academics, Infrastructure, Governance, and Training & Placement. Our campus is an inspiration and provides a perfect setting for a professional rewarding and personal enriching experience.
We will strive hard to maintain & enhance quality of technical education, to match international standards of quality, so that our students can survive in the global market.
We at Birsa Institute of Technology (Trust)-BITT believe that BITT Polytechnic will contribute positively towards moulding a new generation of technical professionals worthy of serving the industry in the emerging scenario and participate in the process of nation building. It is our endeavour to provide the best of infrastructure facilities matched by equally competent faculty. I’m confident that the right academic ambience at the BITT Polytechnic will make learning a delightful experience for you.
It's our pleasure that you expressed interest in one of the courses offered by BITT Polytechnic.
Best Wishes
Dr. Ranjeet Kumar
Chairman, BITT Group of Institutions (Birsa Institute of Technology Trust)